
View Singles in Saint Paul

Giovonni is single in Saint Paul, MN USA

P 2


34 - Saint Paul, MN

Active within 1 hour

Matthew is single in Saint Paul, MN USA

P 1


37 - Saint Paul, MN

Active within 1 week


18 - Saint Paul, MN

Active within 5 days

Benny is single in Saint Paul, MN USA

P 1


20 - Saint Paul, MN

Active within 5 days

CookieBunnies is single in Saint Paul, MN USA

P 1


40 - Saint Paul, MN

Active within 1 week

Joe is single in Saint Paul, MN USA

P 4


29 - Saint Paul, MN

Active within 1 hour

Darian is single in Saint Paul, MN USA

P 3


24 - Saint Paul, MN

Active within 1 hour

Gunnar is single in Saint Paul, MN USA

P 5


37 - Saint Paul, MN

Active within 24 hours

Nick is single in Saint Paul, MN USA

P 1


35 - Saint Paul, MN

Active within 5 days

Rami is single in Saint Paul, MN USA

P 5


22 - Saint Paul, MN

Active within 24 hours

Andrew is single in Saint Paul, MN USA

P 5


31 - Saint Paul, MN

Active within 3 days

Rell is single in Saint Paul, MN USA

P 2


24 - Saint Paul, MN

Active within 5 days

Single Men in St. Paul, MN

Find a match in St. Paul, MN! Meet single men in St. Paul or in nearby Minneapolis and Woodbury on Match.com, the top site in marriages, dates, and relationships!

Match.com lets you sign up, create your profile, browse personals and send winks — all for free! When you join, take care in creating a profile that represents the real you, and feel free to ask our ProfilePro experts for help. They can assist you in finding the right words to describe yourself and can help you stand out among other women seeking men. St. Paul single men in your area can find you online more easily when you have a profile that captures your true personality!

When you subscribe, you'll be able to contact single men in St. Paul through email, chat with them over IM or send flirtatious winks! As you make your online connection either on our website or using our matchMobile app, you can build enough trust to meet each other in person.

Match.com has many features for women seeking men. St. Paul men can be found by browsing through personals or with other site–based features. Daily Match and Mutual Match take your considerations, requirements and likes into account when giving recommendations for compatible single men. St. Paul is also a prime location for Match.com's local Stir events, which enable you to make in–person connections with other Match.com members by meeting face–to–face while taking part in fun, low–stress activities!

Once you've met your match, you may choose to go on a date in St. Paul. We've come up with some fun first date ideas for you and your date:

  • •    Visit nearby Minneapolis for a Minnesota Twins game at Target Field.
  • •    Take a hike or a guided tour and see Minnehaha Falls.
  • •    Go out to eat at a delicious local restaurant, such as The Strip Club or The Happy Gnome.
  • •    Meet at the beautiful, romantic Sunken Garden at the Como Park Zoo and Conservatory.
  • •    Go for a historic date at the James J. Hill House or the Alexander Ramsey House.

These are just a few of the many things you can do on your first date in St. Paul. If you're ready to get to that first date, sign up for Match.com today!

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